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Regional Community of Practice on urban nature, NbS, and green infrastructure
for East Africa

You want to join the RCoP on urban nature, NbS and green infrastructure? Then sign up to the members only section, create your profile and we will keep you updated!


A Regional Community of practice on urban nature, nature-based solutions and green infrastructure at large is of great importance for the East Africa Region for practitioners and governments working on ways to address the existing gap in adequate infrastructure and the challenges posed on cities by climate change coupled with rapid urban growth.


The RCoP for East Africa will help to foster experience exchange in using NbS, GI and urban nature as an alternative or addition to grey infrastructure solutions and to support the development of context specific policies and guidance towards using and scaling of NbS in urban planning and development of our cities.

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The goal of the RCoP is to build strategic and sustainable planning capacity at multiple levels (e.g. professional networks, private sector, government, civil society) consistently across a range of cities to integrate NbS, understand governance and finance, and implement green infrastructure at city scale across the region and continent. Secondly, fill the gap of lacking evidence of successful, inclusive, gender-sensitive and contextualized NBS at the local scale in cities. Furthermore, appropriate standards and regulations as well as guidance on how to build NbS in the African urban context are missing up to this date, therefore we see that the RCoP could contribute to developing such over time.


The RCoP will provide a platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration on urban nature, nature-based solutions, and green infrastructure. It will focus on knowledge sharing, capacity building, and policy development. Proposed activities include; 


Physical + virtual meetings

Exchange platform


Access to research + data

online library

Access to opportunities

funding/ tenders/ job opportunities

Exchange on technical challenges

thematic discussions and working groups

Connecting researchers

researchers profiles

Showcasing research results

access to theses of university students

Event calendar

conferences/ webinars/ technical meetings/ workshops, etc.


You want to join the RCoP on urban nature, NbS and green infrastructure?


Then sign up to the members only section, create your profile and we will keep you updated!

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