Neighbourhood Profile Indicators (NPI)
A set of mainly qualitative "landscape" factors shaping change at neighbourhood and settlement scales.
Describe the greater environment for change, and sets the detailed MEL in context.
Helps contextualise what might be driving change in the settlement beyond the intervention.
Highlights risk and opportunity aspects.
Is straightforward enough to collect without major field or data collection time.
Includes the type of information KDI collects in all cases from the Request for Proposal and area/site assessments (and CCI in their equivalent processes).
Is collected on all projects (Nairobi and Dar es Salaam) pre and post-intervention.

Data collection method

Basic site info
Location Map + coordinates
Constraints map
Site photos
Neighbourhood photos
Site boundary map
Neighbourhood issues

Current/ Future
infrastructure projects
Current or future infrastructure or upgrading projects that may
impact the proposed site.
Described using narratives and maps.
Collected through field assessments of the RFP area and additional research as

Land conflicts
Land conflict that may impact
the proposed site. Described
using narratives.
Collected through field assessments of the RFP area and additional research as

Flood and local
Status of flood and local
drainage issues and project
needs in the neighbourhood.
Described using narratives.
Collected through field assessments of the RFP area, site interviews and additional research as needed.

Status of community interface/
structure in the area. This also
means the traditional structures in place (over and above the site group) and other community/ NGO projects in the area. Described using narratives.
Collected through field assessments of the RFP area and additional research as needed.

Local politics and
pressure groups
Status of local politics and
pressure groups within the area
may affect the project. Described using narratives.
Collected through field assessments of the RFP area and additional research as needed.

Site vulnerabolity
Outlines the risks the site is
vulnerable to other than water
based e.g. insecurity, fire, public
health and other environmental/ social risks. Described using narratives.
Collected through field assessments of the RFP area and additional research as needed.
Site issues

Tenure risks
Site tenure risk.
Short narrative of land status and security. Any risk items
Collated from site interviews.

Community Interface
Strength of community interface
Track record, structure,
organisation and size of group.
Anecdotal notes from interviews. What is their interest and track record with nature in projects and in education?
Collated from RFP + site interviews

Water management
Status of flood and local
drainage issues and project
needs in the neighbourhood.
Described using narratives.
Collected through field assessments of the RFP area, site interviews and additional research as needed.

Site potential
From design perspective what
are the main opportunities and
constraints (particularly with
respect to nature). Especially
considering networking and expanding beyond existing site.
Collated from site interviews +
additional visits as needed.

Construction risks
Baseline condition on soil
conditions, access, other issues
affecting construction.
Collated from site interviews +
additional visits as needed.

Community potential
From community team
perspective what are the greatest needs within the group and subsequent.
Collated from site interviews +
additional visits as needed.